Monday, September 4, 2023

First-Ever Standings Posted!

The first-ever standings in the new scoring system have been posted. 

The WINNINGS column is your score, but it is rounded down to the nearest 1/8. Your dashboard will have your exact total, but the public-facing score is rounded. This is so you won't know exactly how far ahead or behind you are. And, so you don't spend your time calculating wajers to three decimal places.

BANKROLL shows how much of your bankroll you still have left, in the new bankroll/winnings system. Once you spend your bankroll, you may make additional plays out of your winnings if you wish, but losses will actually lower your score. In other words, the initial 1000 units is free to play and there's no benefit to hoarding it.

IN PLAY shows how many units you have tied up in future plays, though no one has any at the moment. Wajers on future games aren't shown until the game starts, but this field will show if you have any future wajers entered. 

This is how the standings will work for each contest, and for Wajerleague as a whole:

Tier Earned By Symbol Hall of Fame Points
W First Place 🏆 100
S Top 3% 30-60
A Top 10% 🏅 10-20
B Top third 📃 3-5
C Any other finish 😐 1-2
D Bottom sixth 🥄 minus-3 to minus-5
F Last Place 🦨 minus-20

I previously posted a byzantine list of different awards with different levels for each. It occurred to me that the scheme aligned nicely with the Tier List, so I switched to that, only adding an extra class for being in first place overall.

There is no A tier right now, because there aren't enough entrants yet to have anyone in the top 10% beyond the #1 player. You only get the best tier you qualify for.

Remember, Protect Your Unit is now one of many competitions in the new Wajerleague fake sports gambling universe. There will be a number of Hall of Fame Points awarded for your overall performance in the contest, and those points will count towards the overall grand total standings. This  points award will be adjusted by how important each contest is, how many people entered, and by your score in the contest. I'll explain the details when we're a little further along.

There are also three bots, recognizable by the underscores in their names. They make random selections on any game that is also played by a human player. Their totals look incomplete, which would be bug #56,128 at the moment. I'll fix it.

Remember, only the standing at the end of the season counts. So being in last place (or first place) right now doesn't mean much. I just thought it was a good idea to begin showing the new standings format.

The next thing I need to get working is the report of wajers people made. This will be public information once the game has started. The report will be grouped by game, so when a game goes live you'll be able to see who benefits or loses from each result. With the automatic score updates, another forthcoming improvement, you'll be able to follow the scoreboard live.

1 comment:

  1. great job with the site so far, Gary, really enjoying the aesthetic. Understand why you chose not to participate, but I don't think it would be a big deal if you changed your mind.


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